تجربة الوقت الحقيقي المذهل MMORPG! Mobile MMORPG will never be the same!
Get ready for the Full 3D EPIC MMORPG experience! Mobile MMORPG will never be the same!
Experience an exciting real time MMORPG that lets you embark on an epic fantasy journey.
Meet friends, create parties, and gear up to fight against the evil on a vast open world to bring back tranquility.
MU Origin 17.0 Update!
Holy Mage - Holy light shall shine upon us. Be hold the glory lies on a path. New Class Holy Mage has arrived at the MU Continent! Terminate the enemies to the eternal death with Holy Mage!
Aether Shield - A divine shield that will protect us from the opponent's attacks! A holy power that can stop any skills and attacks! Protect yourself with the Aether Shield!
Miracle - Activate the Celestial and acquire the power of Miracle! Defeat the enemies with the power of Miracle!
Supreme Enhance - The new Tier of Equipment! It is time to exceed the limit of Equipment! Feel the power of the next level Equipment!
Kingdom Warfare - A fierce battle to conquer the throne has begun! Who will take the throne in the end! Defeat the enemies and conquer the throne!
- Choose and customize from three different classes: Dark Knight, Dark Wizard, and Elf.
- Equip and evolve your hero with powerful gears and enhance wings to make yourself unstoppable.
- Enhance their abilities and witness the dazzling display of each hero's unique skills.
- Your powers are endless! Become stronger through endless levels and contents!
- Journey through an exciting open world and complete epic quests.
- Gather parties and explore unique dungeons to defeat world bosses!
- Gather Diamonds, Materials, Zens, and Star Essences in open PVP Areas! Dominate and hoard them all!
- Exchange in real time through Trading and Auction System.
- Clash with rivals in PvP battles and become the PVP King!
Join forces with powerful players and conquer enemies in the immersive world of MU Origin today!
Like us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/MUOriginFB
Visit our Forums: http://bit.ly/MUOriginForum
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Note: A network connection is required to play.
*MU: Origin" is only available in English.
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Terms of Service: http://www.webzen.com/Rules/TermsOfService-Mobile
Privacy Policy: http://www.webzen.com/Rules/PrivacyPolicy-Mobile
MU Origin requires access to the following data to start the game.
1. Your Google+ account data may be used to assist in sign-up and login to the game.
2. Your game account data may be used to send events and notices through Push Notification.
3. Your device storage may be checked in order to install updates or fix bugs.
Please note that we do not support devices that run on Asus/Intel processors.
فيما يلي جميع الطرق المؤكدة لفتح قبو خلال الفصل 6 ، الموسم 2: Lawless ، الذي يبدأ في 21 فبراير.
إذا كنت متحمسًا للفورنيت الفصل 6 ، الموسم 2: Lawless ، فإليك جميع التعاون المشاع للنزهة.
هزيمة قوى الشر مرة أخرى من خلال استرداد الألغاز ورموز الفوضى والمطالبة بمكافآت حرة مثل الصناديق والسرعة.
هل تريد أن تصبح أفضل لاعب كرة قدم في العالم ، مما يضع رونالدو وميسي في العار؟ رموز المزلاج Azure ستكون في متناول يدي!
إليك كيفية فتح جميع جلود مشغل سلحفاة النينجا في سن المراهقة في Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 و Warzone.
إذا كنت تتعامل مع التأتأة أثناء لعب المملكة تأتي: Scenterance 2 على الكمبيوتر ، فإليك كيفية إصلاح المشكلة.
يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من MU Origin! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!